so since rick and i are "goat farmers" big randy thought it would be great to get 11 baby goats from a fellow farmer. He got them for free! They are so cute. the one i am holding is only about 2 weeks old and tiny! they are really fun and cute each with their own personality, they make our goats look so big! we dont have to bottle feed them but we have a bucket that has nipples and with straws attached so the goats all attack the bucket and its a bit crazy.
Randy ( my new, big bro) me and rick. The whole family got together to clean up the burnt down house at our sailsbury farm. It was lots of fun (dirty work kind of fun) and good family bonding time. Aunt susi and uncle terry lived in this house for a really long time, they recently built new down the road, this house burned down in feburary. we sorted through the rubble and burned what we could. i salvaged the tulips for me and ricks garden at the building.