Thursday, April 9, 2009


So the pictures are not the best, you'll just have to come by and see it!

And i had to add a picture of Roland

He is jumping on my bedding hay,the two of them go nuts when you break into a bail.
Action shot! they are hard to get a picture of they go everywhere at about 100 mph, half of the time they do this silly sideways bounce, ahh ive got to get batteries for my camera and take some video! They are hilarious, they come running top speed when you call "HHHEEEYY GOOOOATS" (sometimes you have to yell a few times but they're young) and are more than willing to go just about anywhere with me or rick, even if they are scared. They do this little nervous cry out of their throats, and stick to your leg when they are nervous ie around the feed tractor, skid steerer or truck.


Ruth said...

HOLY CRAP!!!!!! How exciting!!!! Congrats!!! YAY!!! All the best to both of you!

JG said...

Congratulations, Alice! I am so happy for you!!! I want some more pictures of the ring! It's hard to see, but it looks beautiful. It was so nice to chat the other night...keep in touch!